Friday, September 6, 2013

2013/14 School year

The last time I posted on this blog it was on Isaiah's status with Apraxia. This time it is about Isaiah's start to homeschooling.

Initially I was quite weary of home-schooling and dreaded the thought of it. The underlying emotion I felt was fear... fearful that I would not provide and meet the expectations, mostly from myself, of being a good teacher and that I would not be able to do it whole heartedly.

I think that my expectations will never be met but I will try hard to provide and do the best I can.

18 There is no fear in love; but perfect love casts out fear, because fear involves torment. But he who fears has not been made perfect in love. 1 John 4:18
As I reflect on this verse I have to remember that my love for my child is stronger than any fear and that in itself will be sufficient enough. Also I have so much support from the staff at our registered school, Fr. Richard, Presb. Jamie, and Melissa, that if I did have any problems I know that they can help me. I am very thankful for that!
We started our home-schooling as of last week working on little things throughout the week. This week we did a little everyday. Our days starts off with the morning prayer and after the morning prayer the boys sit on their little blue Ikea chairs in front of our large calendar pinned to the cork board and learn about the month, day, year, season, and the weather.
Last week we collected leaves from the park and learned about the season fall. We traced the leaves by placing it under a piece of white paper and rubbed crayons to get the imprint. I also utilised a few YouTube videos about the different seasons in a year. After watching this I asked each of them which one was their favourite; Isaiah likes winter because of the snow and Micah likes summer because of the beach.

This week we continued with our morning routine and chores, and worked on printing and learned about letters and numbers. We used the curriculum Saxon math and Handwriting Without Tears: Get Ready for School handbook. 
Isaiah has surprised me so much. He is so eager to learn and has been very productive in his activities. He enjoys writing on the chalkboard and has shown great dexterity. He is also very artistic and was able to make a wonderful picture out of the patterns blocks.

Isaiah has surpassed my expectations and I know he will excel with home-schooling. This week has confirmed that my husband and I made the right choice to have him home-schooled as he needs the extra support and one on one learning.
I look forward to this year and to be able to look back and see his growth.


  1. Tanya, this is wonderful! What a productive first week. I appreciate how you have incorporated a lot of tactile activities into Isaiah's learning.

  2. Wow! You are doing a great job. Thanks for sharing.
